Archive for the ‘Out and About’ Category


The Future of Gaming

June 16, 2014

I just got back from a fun-filled trip to LA for some pre-E3 festivities, including the opening of The Future of Gaming exhibit at iam8bit. Gallery owners Jon M. Gibson and Amanda White teamed up industry luminaries with renowned artist to conceptualize what the future of video games might look like. There’s a great write up about the show here.

I was teamed up with Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning, whose quote really aligned with my own musings on where this technology could be headed:

“You are the game of the future, where every bit of energy exerted thru your digital daily life will be captured toward more real world incentives,” Lanning predicted. “Each beat of our heart, calorie we eat, footstep we make, and mile gained thru our day will be captured, converted, and gamified into cost saving incentives that just ‘can’t be beat.’ Our decreasing privacies increasingly offered as the willing sacrifices made at the altar of savings, incentives, and reward points. Three billion years of progress will have finally evolved us into the hairless walking coupon.”

The Hairless Walking Coupon

The Hairless Walking Coupon

I really just wanted to capture the overwhelming system shock of the world that Lorne anticipates, with every movement and action inside and outside of the game world being captured and quantified. Whether it’s defeating a Level 99 dragon or eating a Burger King Whopper, everything we do will be watched, recorded, and rewarded.

Other luminaries who lent their theories to the exhibit include Megaman creator Keiji Inafune, Tim Schafer who created the Secret of Monkey Island, and video game jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-most-of-them Seamus Blackley.

The exhibit runs through June 22nd at iam8bit’s Echo Park headquarters at 2147 Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles, CA.


Legends of the Hidden Temple

April 15, 2013

This Friday, April 19th, is the opening reception for iam8bit‘s exhibition “It’s the ShizNick!”, remembering the good ol’ days of the network (Nickelodeon) that ruled our youth. For my contribution I decided to go a little more obscure and focus on the Jeopardy-meets-Indiana-Jones gameshow “Legends of the Hidden Temple”. The show had sort of a real-life video game feel to it anyway, so it was a natural fit for my 8-bit illustration style.

Legends of the Hidden Temple
Olmec Coming!
Giclee print on canvas  •  19.75″ x 9″  •  S/N Edition of 25

Legends of the Hidden Temple

Legends of the Hidden Temple

The opening reception will feature (in addition to art by over 60 artists):
Live tunes by DJ Lance (from Yo Gabba Gabba!)
A very cool photo playset (hmm…)
25 ft wide “Animated GIF Theatre”
And of course… SLIME!

It’s the ShizNick!
Remembering the Good Ol’ Days of the Network that Ruled Our Youth!

April 19th–May 5th, 2013

Opening Reception: Friday, April 19th, 2013, 7–11pm
2147 W. Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026


Judd Apatow Tribute Show

November 27, 2012

Opening Tuesday, December 4th, Gallery 1988 presents A Tribute to Judd Apatow, an art show inspired by the comedic producer. Best of all, Judd will be hosting the event, and if you’re able to attend (RSVP at you might just see some other familiar faces.

For my contribution, I chose the infamous dodgeball scene from Freaks and Geeks. Sometimes I’ll try and reference specific games and/or genres in my work. When I decided to illustrate Freaks and Geeks, I tried to think if there were any games from the 80s that had to do with high school and bullies, since that’s an integral part of the show. I kept coming back to River City Ransom for the NES, and when I realized the same company, using the same graphic style, made the game Super Dodge Ball, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

“Smear Weir”
Giclee print on canvas • 19.75″ x 9″ • S/N Edition of 25


A Tribute to Judd Apatow
December 4–30, 2012

Opening Reception:
Tuesday, December 4th, 7–10pm
Hosted by Judd Apatow

Gallery 1988 Melrose
7020 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038


Dia de Los Muertos Video

October 5, 2009

Here’s a quick video recap of the opening reception for the Dia de Los Muertos show at Proximity Gallery. Thanks to the Autumn Society and Proximity Gallery for putting together such a great show!


Poems for Pictopia

July 28, 2009

Back in March, I traveled to Berlin for the 3rd Pictoplasma conference, Pictopia and an installation I had at the Neurotitan gallery as part of the conference’s Character Walk. You can read more about the installation here and here. Two of the coolest Berliners I met were Gabriel Shalom and Patrizia Kommerell, whose creative studio KS12 was commissioned to create a short documentary about the conference and everything that went along with it. I was thrilled to be included (2:45) along with some of my favorite artists such as AJ Fosik, Steven Guarnaccia, Charles Glaubitz, and Gastón Caba. The film, “Poems for Pictopia”, ends with a video montage set to a song that Gastón wrote and performed at the end of his presentation. I was just thrilled to be able to relive the whole conference all over again through this video. Great work KS12!


Los Angeles (Part II) – Ups and Downs, Strikes and Gutters

August 30, 2008

After the I Am 8-Bit party, some friends took me to the darkest bar in LA, The Woods.

We capped the night off with a viewing of Point Break, in anticipation of possibly checking out the hilariously awful Point Break Live (we didn’t). During the ride back to the loft I was subletting in Venice I was treated to some beautiful lightning. Read the rest of this entry ?