Archive for the ‘Video’ Category


Frobisher Says

October 19, 2012

Awhile back I was commissioned to do some illustration work for a rather peculiar video game for the SONY Vita called Frobisher Says. The brainchild of Richard Hogg and indie developer Honeyslug, Frobisher Says involves playing through a fast-paced sequence of minigames at the command of the titular character. It’s hard to explain, so I suggest watching the appropriately bizarre commercial for the game here:

The first one involves running through Frobisher’s Mansion and finding friends from your Playstation network and leading them to Frobisher’s hot tub.

The second one is a slot machine game, with an unusual twist… I won’t spoil it for you!

The last one, my favorite, is called “Stir My Soups”, and involves rotating the thumb joysticks in the required (usually alternate) direction as Frobisher’s crazy eyes spin around and around.

The game was originally only available in Europe, but I just found out it will be available in the US as of October 23rd! And best of all, it’s free! So if you have a Vita, make sure to grab your free copy.


Painting with Pixels at GDC 2011

March 15, 2011

The Game Developers Conference is the largest annual gathering of professionals from the video game industry. For GDC 25 I was commissioned by the evil geniuses at iam8bit to design a pixel mural of epic proportions, 20 feet by 8 feet to be exact. The catch? The wall would be completely blank.

Each of the conference’s attendees would receive a 2″ pixel, either cyan, magenta, yellow, or black (the conference color scheme this year) and would get to place his or her pixel on the wall in a corresponding square.

Over the course of the week, the image I designed would reveal itself… but only if everyone participated. Part art project, part social experiement, “Painting with Pixels” was one of the most fascinating and fun projects I’ve ever had the pleasure of working on. Being at the conference all week it was interesting to observe the evolution of people’s behavior; while most attendees would comply with the instructions (I even heard one woman chastise her friend for speculating what would happen if he put his color on the wrong square), others bent or even broke the rules completely. If you watch the time lapse above, around the two minute mark you’ll see one person remove some of the placed pixels to create an image of Super Mario. I observed one person color their magenta pixel black so they could place it on a square designated for black ones.

It was also exciting to see how one person’s idea would quickly spread to others. Though most were content to simply place their pixel in a color-designated spot, one attendee decided to draw a little illustration on his before adding it to the mural. This caught on and by the end of the conference, hundreds of pixels were adorned with artwork, signatures, witty sayings, and even a few mini-resumes from out of work developers.

The GDC logo was the first element to really materialize, followed shortly by the jetpack-wearing cowboy and the dragon incinerating the Golden Gate Bridge.

And here’s the wall 99.9% complete! There were a few pixels left unclaimed at the end of the conference so Jon, Nick, and I filled the rest in.

Overall it was a great success, we couldn’t have done it without the collaboration of everyone at the conference. Each pixel symbolized nothing more than potential on its own, but bring together several thousand of them, take a step back, and you get a real picture of community, and the power of working together.


Keyboard Cat Featured on The IT Crowd

July 11, 2010

The Keyboard Cat video I created was turned into a t-shirt and worn by Roy on the latest episode (Season 4, Episode 3) of The IT Crowd! Full of geeky clean humor, The IT Crowd is one of my favorite tv shows, so I couldn’t have been happier to see Roy sporting the shirt with an illustration I created!


Dia de Los Muertos Video

October 5, 2009

Here’s a quick video recap of the opening reception for the Dia de Los Muertos show at Proximity Gallery. Thanks to the Autumn Society and Proximity Gallery for putting together such a great show!


Super Keyboard Cat Bros.

June 15, 2009

Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat! is a website that catalogs many of the “Keyboard Cat” videos that can be found on the internet. If you’re unfamiliar, these videos typically follow a ridiculously embarrassing, depressing, or otherwise awkward video with a cat “playing it off” on the piano. I suggest you watch this one first and then check out some of the others on the site. I recently teamed up with chip musician Doctor Octoroc to create an 8-bit version of the popular internet meme. Let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas for a future video.

EDIT: The video has since been featured on numerous blogs and podcasts, including G4 TV’s Attack of the Show. Thanks to everyone who made the video so popular!